🤔 What is Hive+?
Hive+ is a premium rank that can be purchased from the Hive Store for 1690 minecoins. Hive+ is a lifetime rank, which means it does not expire.
⭐ What are the benefits of having Hive+?
Purchasing Hive+ gives you access to the following perks:
- A green name and [+] tag in-game, both in chat and above your head
- A permanent 50% experience boost, allowing you to level up and unlock in-game cosmetics faster
- An extra map vote (2 total votes)
- The ability to host parties of up to 8 players
- An additional 75 friend slots, giving you a total of 150
- A special Hive+ role on our Discord server, and access to the exclusive #hive-plus channel
- The ability to host up to 90 minutes of Custom Servers
- An increased daily quest limit, allowing you to complete up to 8 quests a day, instead of 4
- Three exclusive hub titles:
The Bees Knees
- Five exclusive avatars:

- Exclusive Hoodie Bee costume:

➕ How can I purchase Hive+?
Hive+ can be purchased in-game, by joining The Hive and punching one of the green floating plus symbols in the hub, as seen below:

You can also open Minecraft and click here to be taken directly to the Hive+ store page.