❓ What is cross-region matchmaking?

Cross-region matchmaking activates based on the number of players queuing for a specific game type. When this number is below a certain threshold, the system will try to find and send you to a lobby in another (more populated) region.

When you're sent to a lobby in a different region, you'll receive a message in chat informing you about this.

Cross-region matchmaking has various benefits:

  • Queue times are drastically reduced during off-peak hours
  • Platform-based matchmaking is enabled more often thanks to the increase in players from other regions
  • Playing on a lobby in a different region 'through' your local region results in less latency than directly connecting to a different region for most players

🌎 Where is cross-region matchmaking enabled?

Cross-region matchmaking is currently enabled on:

  • BlockDrop (Europe and Asia)
  • Ground Wars (Europe and Asia)

We will expand the availability of cross-region matchmaking over time.

đŸĨŗ How does it work with parties?

Cross-region matchmaking is currently unavailable to players in a party. This will be added in a future update.

đŸšĢ Can I opt out of cross-region matchmaking?

You may opt out of cross-region matchmaking by disabling the toggle in the /toggles menu.

We advise against opting out of cross-region matchmaking, as this will greatly increase your queue times, and the chances of you being sent to an empty lobby (especially during off-peak hours).