This page details common error messages that you may receive when trying to join The Hive and information about troubleshooting them.
Unable to connect to world
Unable to connect to world
There are a wide number of reasons why you may get this error when trying to join The Hive. The most common cause of this error is having an unstable internet connection.
Please check out this article (click me) for a list of steps to help you troubleshoot this issue.
VPN or Proxy Detected
VPN or Proxy Detected
The use of VPN and proxy services are not allowed on The Hive
If you receive this error when joining The Hive, it means your connection has been detected as being a VPN or proxy. It is not allowed to use a VPN or proxy service on The Hive.
You can find information about troubleshooting this problem here.
You are banned from The Hive
You are banned from The Hive
If you have been banned, you will receive this when you are attempting to join. You will not be able to rejoin The Hive until the ban has expired.
If you would like to dispute your punishment, you can find all of the information about how and where to submit an appeal by clicking here.
We couldn't validate your login
Sorry, we couldn't validate your login.
This is a Minecraft error and usually occurs when your login cannot be validated by Microsoft/Xbox Live. We recommend logging out of your Microsoft/Xbox Live account and restarting Minecraft before you sign back in.
Maintenance Mode
We're currently in maintenance mode. We'll be back soon!
If you receive this error, it means that The Hive is currently down for maintenance, and cannot be joined.
In most cases, maintenance is announced on our updates website and Discord server.
Outdated Client
Could not connect: Outdated client!
You are using an older version of Minecraft that is no longer supported by The Hive. You will need to update your game to a more recent version to be able to join.
You can view a list of supported versions here.
The host is using an older version of Minecraft
The host is using an older version of Minecraft. Everyone should update to the latest version of Minecraft and try again.
You may get this error if you are using a Minecraft Preview/beta version of Minecraft that isn't yet supported by The Hive. You will need down downgrade to a version of Minecraft that The Hive supports. You can view a list of supported versions here.
You may also receive this error if you do not have your device's DNS settings set to automatic (you may have changed these settings to allow you to connect to non-Featured Servers). If this is the case, reset any changes you may have made to your device's DNS settings and try joining again.
If you are sure that you are using a supported version, and have reset any changes you may have made to your device's DNS settings, please contact our support team.
Error while downloading packs from the server
Error while downloading packs from the server. Please try again.
If you're having issues with The Hive's resource packs, first try disabling any custom resource packs that you may be using, and see if this resolves the problem.
If you're still having issues after disabling your resource packs, please try the following steps:
- Leave the server/world you are playing and go to Minecraft's main menu
- Go to
>Cached Data
- Tap
and select all Hive resource packs - Delete the selected resource packs
- Restart Minecraft and rejoin The Hive
Invalid IP address
Invalid IP address!
You may receive this error if you do not have your device's DNS settings set to automatic (you may have changed these settings to allow you to connect to non-Featured Servers). If this is the case, reset any changes you may have made to your device's DNS settings and try joining again.
In some cases, this error can be down to an issue on The Hive's side. Here's how to further troubleshoot:
- Check our updates website and Discord server to see if there is an active outage or incident, that might be causing this message.
- If your device supports it, try joining a different region using our direct IP addresses
If there are no active incidents, and you can't join a different region, please contact our support team. Provide them with at least your Xbox Live Gamertag (username, display name).
We couldn't process your join
We couldn't process your join. Visit:
When you receive this error, there is most likely something wrong on The Hive's end. Here's how to further troubleshoot:
- Check our updates website and Discord server to see if there is an active outage or incident, that might be causing this message.
- If your device supports it, try joining a different region using our direct IP addresses
If there are no active incidents and you can't join a different region, please contact our support team. Provide them with your Xbox Live Gamertag (username, display name).
Maximum number of alt accounts reached
Your login was blocked
Reason: Maximum amount of alt accounts exceeded.
If you receive this error, it means you have reached the maximum number of accounts allowed on one connection.
We have systems like this in place to prevent abuse or rule-breaking. While we cannot provide a specific timeframe, you'll need to wait some time before you can join with another account.
Our support team is unable to assist with this error.
This error can sometimes be caused by certain client modifications.
To resolve this issue, try uninstalling any client modifications you may have installed. If you are unsure how to uninstall a client modification, you should re-install Minecraft.
You didn't finish joining
You didn't finish joining
There are a wide number of reasons why you may get this error when trying to join The Hive. The most common cause of this error is having an unstable internet connection.
Please check out this article (click me) for a list of steps to help you troubleshoot this issue.