Below is a list of all of our hub titles and how they can/could be obtained.
Hive Store Hub Titles
The following hub titles can currently be purchased from the Hive Store:
Buzzin' - Obtained by purchasing the Hive+ rank.
The MVBEE - Obtained by purchasing the Hive+ rank.
The Bees Knees - Obtained by purchasing the Hive+ rank.
It's rewind time! - Obtained by purchasing the Replay Cinema pass.
Lights, Camera, ACTION! - Obtained by purchasing the Replay Cinema pass.
Air Swimmer - Obtained by purchasing the Endolotl pet.
Sea of Bees - Obtained by purchasing the Pirate Ship pet.
Dragon Tamer - Obtained by purchasing the Baby Dragon pet.
birb. - Obtained by purchasing the Pirate Parrot pet.
cat person. - Obtained by purchasing the Witch Cat pet.
Terror Teddy - Obtained by purchasing the Haunted Teddy pet.
Blink Blink! - Obtained by purchasing the Baby Enderman pet.
Tree Top Trickster - Obtained by purchasing the Red Panda pet.
3.. 2.. 1.. LIFT OFF! - Obtained by purchasing the Spaceship mount.
Bzz Bzz Bzz - Obtained by purchasing the Bumblebee mount.
Cruisin' for a Bruisin' - Obtained by purchasing the Cruiser mount.
ALL HANDS ON DECK! - Obtained by purchasing the Pirate Ship mount.
Vrooooooom - Obtained by purchasing the Broomstick mount.
Sky Strider - Obtained by purchasing the Hoverbike mount.
WAHHH! - Obtained by purchasing the Ghast mount.
Flight Club - Obtained by purchasing the Dragon mount.
2020 vision - Obtained by purchasing the Holiday bundle.
Meme of the Decade - Obtained by purchasing the Holiday bundle.
I Have Spoken - Obtained by purchasing the Holiday bundle.
BORN TO BE WILD - Obtained by purchasing the Animal bundle.
Meow - Obtained by purchasing the Animal bundle.
Woof - Obtained by purchasing the Animal bundle.
Bone Apple Teeth - Obtained by purchasing the Halloween 2020 bundle.
3 spooky 5 me - Obtained by purchasing the Halloween 2020 bundle.
Chill - Obtained by purchasing the Winter bundle.
The Collector - Obtained by purchasing the SkyWars Collectors bundle.
x Victories (Stat Track) - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars bundle.
Bed Bug - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars bundle.
Night Terror - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars bundle.
x Final Kills (Stat Track) - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars Season 2 Ticket, and completing the 'Game Over' challenge.
Napprentice - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars Season 2 Ticket.
Snorecerer - Obtained by purchasing the BedWars Season 2 Ticket.
The Claw - Obtained by purchasing the Alien costume.
The Holey One - Obtained by purchasing the Donut costume.
The Jolly Roger - Obtained by purchasing the Pirate costumes.
The Crazy Fox - Obtained by purchasing the Fox costume.
The Burger Chef - Obtained by purchasing the Burger costume.
The Rainbow - Obtained by purchasing the Unicorn costume.
The Rawrsome - Obtained by purchasing the Dino costume.
The Black Knight - Obtained by purchasing the Black Knight costume.
Gnomeland Security - Obtained by purchasing the Gnome costume.
The Squad Leader - Obtained by purchasing the Cupid costume.
The Huggable - Obtained by purchasing the Teddy Bear costumes.
The Strong - Obtained by purchasing the Strongman costume.
The Royal - Obtained by purchasing the Royal King and Queen costumes.
The Sleepy - Obtained by purchasing the Detective Sloth costume.
The Platypus - Obtained by purchasing the Detective Platypus costume.
Big Bad Wolf - Obtained by purchasing the Wolf costume.
The Fire Breather - Obtained by purchasing the Dragon costume.
The Joker - Obtained by purchasing the Clown costume.
The Quackers - Obtained by purchasing the Ducky costume.
The Bamboo Eater - Obtained by purchasing the Panda costume.
The Wish Maker - Obtained by purchasing the Genie costume.
The Lion - Obtained by purchasing the Lion costume.
The Tallest - Obtained by purchasing the Giraffe costume.
The Lucky - Obtained by purchasing the Leprechaun costume.
The Hairy - Obtained by purchasing the Bear costume.
The Lovely Llama - Obtained by purchasing the Llama costume.
('@)< - Obtained by purchasing the Goldfish costume.
Hi. I am a dolphin. - Obtained by purchasing the Dolphin costume.
The Spikey - Obtained by purchasing the Cactus costume.
The Grumpy - Obtained by purchasing the Mr Grump costume.
The Slippery - Obtained by purchasing the Banana costume.
The Colorful - Obtained by purchasing the Parrot costume.
Oink Oink - Obtained by purchasing the Piggy costume.
The Egg - Obtained by purchasing the Chicken costume.
Live from The Hive! - Obtained by purchasing the Television costume.
Hop Hop Hop - Obtained by purchasing the Hoppy costume.
The All Seeing - Obtained by purchasing the Carrot costume.
Omm nom nom - Obtained by purchasing the Chocolate costume.
The Jawsome - Obtained by purchasing the Laser Shark costume.
It's all ogre - Obtained by purchasing the Swampy costume.
Otterly Ridiculous - Obtained by purchasing the Otto costume.
Blub Blub Blub - Obtained by purchasing the Inky costume.
The Legendairy - Obtained by purchasing the Moo costume.
SssSSSsss - Obtained by purchasing the Sir Creeper costume.
The Golden Legend - Obtained by purchasing the Golden Dragon costume.
ARH-WOOOOOO - Obtained by purchasing the Wolfy costume.
Oh Crumb! - Obtained by purchasing the Toastie costume.
The Hazardous - Obtained by purchasing the HAZMAT costume.
The Lookout - Obtained by purchasing the Sergei costume.
Eye of the Tiger - Obtained by purchasing the Ginger costume.
I AM MAGICAL - Obtained by purchasing the Sparkles costume.
MWAHAHAHA - Obtained by purchasing the Doomsday costume.
The Coolest - Obtained by purchasing the Snowy costume.
G.O.A.T - Obtained by purchasing the Billy costume.
LEFT RIGHT LEFT - Obtained by purchasing the Toy Soldier costume.
ROAR! - Obtained by purchasing the Dinoroar costume.
The Pug Life - Obtained by purchasing the Paws costume.
Waddle Waddle - Obtained by purchasing the Penguin costume.
The Night - Obtained by purchasing the Goddess of Night costume.
The Trash Panda - Obtained by purchasing the Bandit costume.
The Shadow - Obtained by purchasing the Night Crow costume.
The Sly Fox - Obtained by purchasing the Captain Fox costume.
The Gold Edition - Obtained by purchasing the Burger: Gold Edition costume.
The Animated - Obtained by purchasing the Cupcake costume.
The Heavy Hitter - Obtained by purchasing the Punch costume.
ROBOT OVERLORD - Obtained by purchasing the Glowbot costume.
BRAAAIIINS - Obtained by purchasing the Zombee costume.
The Heat Bringer - Obtained by purchasing the Fire Dragon costume.
Protector of Night - Obtained by purchasing The Night Phantom costume.
ThE DeAd MeMe - Obtained by purchasing the Doge costume.
Galactic Explorer - Obtained by purchasing the Space Ranger costume.
Not a Panda - Obtained by purchasing the Red Panda costume.
The Koalafied - Obtained by purchasing the Koala costume.
ABRACADABRA! - Obtained by purchasing the Witch and Wizard costumes.
100 Pure Gold - Obtained by purchasing the Unicorn: Gold Edition costume.
YEAHHHHHHHHHHH - Obtained by purchasing the Old Town Horse costume.
The All-Seeing - Obtained by purchasing The Overseer costume.
SPAAAAACE - Obtained by purchasing the Cosmic Knight costume.
The Traveler - Obtained by purchasing The Traveler costume.
The Infector - Obtained by purchasing the Ravage costume.
You're Fired - Obtained by purchasing the Inferno costume.
YOU GOT ANY FISH?! - Obtained by purchasing the Walrus costume.
I'm Super Cool - Obtained by purchasing the Ice King costume.
Meowdy! - Obtained by purchasing the Battle Cat costume.
Feline Good! - Obtained by purchasing the Ginger Cat costume.
Ice Cold! - Obtained by purchasing the Ice Dragon costume.
Barking Mad - Obtained by purchasing the Rufus costume.
The Striped - Obtained by purchasing the Zebra costume.
The Silent Killer - Obtained by purchasing The Assassin costume.
H O N K - Obtained by purchasing the HONK costume.
CREEPER? AW MAN! - Obtained by purchasing the Grim Creeper costume.
Boo! - Obtained by purchasing the Ghosty costume.
Nether Defender - Obtained by purchasing the Nether Skull costume.
Full Moon - Obtained by purchasing the Werewolf costume.
Graar! - Obtained by purchasing the Burple costume.
Did you spot me? - Obtained by purchasing the Leopard costume.
FRE SHA VOCA DO - Obtained by purchasing the Taco Time costume.
The Light Bringer - Obtained by purchasing the Night Star costume.
SNAP SNAP - Obtained by purchasing the Croc costume.
Anomaly Detected - Obtained by purchasing the Enderfox costume.
UwU - Obtained by purchasing the Anime Teen costumes.
The Red Nose - Obtained by purchasing the Reindeer costume.
I'm Cool - Obtained by purchasing the Ice Teen costumes.
NARWHALS! - Obtained by purchasing the Narwhal costume.
Tsss the Season - Obtained by purchasing the Christmas Creeper costume.
Merry Cryptmas - Obtained by purchasing the Skeleclaus costume.
GNNARRR - Obtained by purchasing the Gremlin costume.
Yeti, set, go! - Obtained by purchasing the Yeti costume.
HOO ARE YOU? - Obtained by purchasing the Owl costume.
How deer you?! - Obtained by purchasing the Icedeer costume.
The End - Obtained by purchasing the Endersaur costume.
Ketchup with me! - Obtained by purchasing the Juicy costume.
Going ham. - Obtained by purchasing the Hoodie Pig costume.
Ahh, that's hot. - Obtained by purchasing the Flame costume.
Peeling good. - Obtained by purchasing the Pyjama Banana costume.
You quack me up! - Obtained by purchasing the Hoodie Duck costume.
Uh-huh. - Obtained by purchasing the Villager 007 costume.
Lemony fresh! - Obtained by purchasing the Zesty costume.
Horsing around - Obtained by purchasing the Royal Unicorn costume.
BEEP BEEP BOOP - Obtained by purchasing the Beepo costume.
Weird flex, but okay. - Obtained by purchasing the Golden Skull costume.
Pugtastic! - Obtained by purchasing the Unipug costume.
SQUISH SQUISH - Obtained by purchasing the Slimey costume.
true doe. - Obtained by purchasing the Deer costume.
Pizza time! - Obtained by purchasing the Pizza Time costume.
The wurst! - Obtained by purchasing the Hotdog costume.
IRRELEPHANT! - Obtained by purchasing the Elephant costume.
PARTY ANIMAL! - Obtained by purchasing the School Fox costume.
DARKNESS COMES - Obtained by purchasing the Cloak costume.
STARS - Obtained by purchasing the Galaxy costume.
WEE WOO WEE WOO - Obtained by purchasing the Officer 11 costume.
I like leaf. - Obtained by purchasing the Leaf costume.
Fetching dem rays! - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Doge costume.
Party Animal - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Unicorn costume.
Let's dive right in! - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Fox costume.
LOOKIN' PINE - Obtained by purchasing the Fineapple costume.
SPACE AND TIME - Obtained by purchasing the Solar costume.
ROASTED! - Obtained by purchasing the Lava Golem costume.
A-MAIZE-ING - Obtained by purchasing the Corn costume.
Does not compute. - Obtained by purchasing the Circuit costume.
Ewe wot m8? - Obtained by purchasing the Wooly costume.
I'M A PICKLE! - Obtained by purchasing the Mr Pickles costume.
DREAD ME - Obtained by purchasing the Dread costume.
READY OR NOT?! - Obtained by purchasing the Miss Bunny costume.
SPOOKY SCARY - Obtained by purchasing the Skellington costume.
HISS! - Obtained by purchasing the Medusa costume.
OOOO SO SCARY! - Obtained by purchasing the Vampire costumes.
BEHIND YOU - Obtained by purchasing the Blink costume.
THE ICE QUEEN - Obtained by purchasing the Ice Queen costume.
I IS COLD - Obtained by purchasing the Slimey: Ice Edition costume.
Moo. - Obtained by purchasing the Icebloom costume.
CHILL OUT - Obtained by purchasing the Chillager costume.
Abracadabra! - Obtained by purchasing the Mage costume.
ALOE THERE! - Obtained by purchasing the Potter costume.
I CAN FLY! - Obtained by purchasing the Friendly Dragon costume.
Feelin' Pine - Obtained by purchasing the Cursed Oak costume.
Creepin' it real - Obtained by purchasing the Spider Queen costume.
The PumpKING - Obtained by purchasing the Pumpkin Lord costume.
SPELL YEAH! - Obtained by purchasing the Summoner costume.
Well I Nether... - Obtained by purchasing the Zompig costume.
Thanks alotl! - Obtained by purchasing the Endolotl costume.
A FUN-GUY - Obtained by purchasing the Shroomy costume.
Under da sea - Obtained by purchasing the Coral Queen costume.
COLD COLD COLD - Obtained by purchasing the Iceolotl costume.
Ice to meet you! - Obtained by purchasing the Frost Bee costume.
Smile and Wave - Obtained by purchasing the Waddles costume.
Ninjabread Man - Obtained by purchasing the Battle Biscuit costume.
COSMICALLY COOL - Obtained by purchasing the Winter Witch costume.
Big Chillin' - Obtained by purchasing the Ice Mammoth costume.
Taking the biscuit - Obtained by purchasing the Strawbee costume.
FOOD FIGHT! - Obtained by purchasing the Battle Burger costume.
Cool Beans - Obtained by purchasing the Koffee costume.
A bit chilly! - Obtained by purchasing the Frost Banana costume.
BAMBOOZLED - Obtained by purchasing the Bamboo Bandit costume.
a-dough-rable - Obtained by purchasing the Sprinkles costume.
The Dark Warrior - Obtained by purchasing the Dark Elf costume.
LUNAR LEGEND - Obtained by purchasing the Orbit costume.
Barking Mad - Obtained by purchasing the Royal Corgi costume.
Potion commotion - Obtained by purchasing the Gloomy costume.
CLANK! - Obtained by purchasing the Rusty costume.
ETERNAL FLAMES - Obtained by purchasing the Fire Queen costume.
Beary cool - Obtained by purchasing the Woody costume.
Swim-alotl - Obtained by purchasing the Axolotl costume.
Kind of a PIG deal - Obtained by purchasing the Miner Pig costume.
BEST FRIEND - Obtained by purchasing the Friender Dragon costume.
Out of this WORLD! - Obtained by purchasing the Globey costume.
Oh, Barnacles! - Obtained by purchasing the Guardian Warrior costume.
SKELETON LORD - Obtained by purchasing the Captain Bones costume.
CAUGHT IN 4K - Obtained by purchasing the Cammy costume.
Sea of Treats - Obtained by purchasing the Sea Doge costume.
Win the battle! - Obtained by purchasing The Oni costume.
Surf's Up! - Obtained by purchasing the Coolconut costume.
Hello SUMMER! - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Bee costume.
AIM ON POINT - Obtained by purchasing the Archy costume.
The Lone Wolf - Obtained by purchasing the Wolf Knight costume.
The Mischievous - Obtained by purchasing the Kitsune costume.
BUN-believable - Obtained by purchasing the Bunny Mage costume.
FLOWER POWER! - Obtained by purchasing the Flowerlotl costume.
FROM THE FLAMES - Obtained by purchasing the Phoenix costume.
SUNSHINE! - Obtained by purchasing the Sunny costume.
Sky of Fire - Obtained by purchasing the Magma Dragon costume.
PRESS START - Obtained by purchasing the CatBot costume.
Batteries NOT included - Obtained by purchasing the ToyBot costume.
Dark Magic - Obtained by purchasing the Dark Wraith costume.
Spook-alotl - Obtained by purchasing the Skelelotl costume.
Pumpkin Protector - Obtained by purchasing the Pumpkin Paladin costume.
LIGHT BEARER - Obtained by purchasing the Plague Doctor costume.
ON THE PROWL - Obtained by purchasing the Night Stalker costume.
Bearly awake - Obtained by purchasing the Cuddles costume.
Cozy Vibes - Obtained by purchasing the Hoodie Wolf costume.
Chilly Dog - Obtained by purchasing the Winter Husky costume.
Stay chill - Obtained by purchasing the Frost Kitsune costume.
FROST BITE - Obtained by purchasing the Snowy Dragon costume.
That's cap! - Obtained by purchasing the Icecap Shroomy costume.
SNOWED IN! - Obtained by purchasing the Frost Moose costume.
Outside the Box - Obtained by purchasing the CatBox costume.
Red Eclipse - Obtained by purchasing the Lunar Red Panda costume.
Muddy Buddy - Obtained by purchasing the Muddy Pig costume.
OUCH! - Obtained by purchasing the Spikes costume.
I'M PAW-SOME! - Obtained by purchasing the Calico costume.
Koalaty Time - Obtained by purchasing the Koala Knight costume.
Oh my pug-ness - Obtained by purchasing the Hoodie Pug costume.
Pinata Party - Obtained by purchasing the Pinata Llama costume.
SUMMER TIME! - Obtained by purchasing the Orange Juice costume.
RAINBOWS! - Obtained by purchasing the Battle Unicorn costume.
Cold & Cruel - Obtained by purchasing the Ice Summoner costume.
SPAAAAACE - Obtained by purchasing the Space Kitten costume.
Always has been. - Obtained by purchasing the Space Corgi costume.
RADICAL - Obtained by purchasing the Cool Goose costume.
Nautical NIGHTMARE - Obtained by purchasing the Abyssal Angler costume.
Hieroglyph Hunter - Obtained by purchasing the Camella costume.
It's Sculkin' Time - Obtained by purchasing the Sculkolotl costume.
Simply Vibing - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Banana costume.
Summer Swag - Obtained by purchasing the Beach Monkey costume.
I'M ROARSOME! - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Leopard costume.
Feelin' SWEET - Obtained by purchasing the Summer Melon costume.
I'm JELLY - Obtained by purchasing the JellyFish costume.
Chill-A-LOTL! - Obtained by purchasing the Summerlotl costume.
SUPER COOL - Obtained by purchasing the Cool Cream costume.
The Alpha Wolf - Obtained by purchasing the Sculk Wolf costume.
Ancient Power - Obtained by purchasing the Sculk Wraith costume.
Ethereal Ender - Obtained by purchasing the End Crystal costume.
Fierce Fighter - Obtained by purchasing the Warrior Croc costume.
OCTO-SUS - Obtained by purchasing the Captain Octopus costume.
Mystic Wing - Obtained by purchasing the Raven costume.
Bowties are cool - Obtained by purchasing the Hongo costume.
It's a secret! - Obtained by purchasing the Recon Agent costume.
ACCESS GRANTED - Obtained by purchasing the Virus costume.
The Undead - Obtained by purchasing the Zombear costume.
Cryptic Guardian - Obtained by purchasing the Gargoyle costume.
The Cursed - Obtained by purchasing the Vampiric Rabbit costume.
Tanuki Time - Obtained by purchasing the Tanuki costume.
Mage Magic - Obtained by purchasing the Mageolotl costume.
High-flying Highness - Obtained by purchasing the Royal Pegasus costume.
The Empress - Obtained by purchasing the Jade Queen costume.
Storm Chaser - Obtained by purchasing the Storm Queen costume.
Lily Pad Leader - Obtained by purchasing the Froag costume.
Moo Melody - Obtained by purchasing the Wooly Cow costume.
Super Slime! - Obtained by purchasing the Slimo costume.
Wool Street Trader - Obtained by purchasing the Trader Llama costume.
Safari Scout - Obtained by purchasing the Meerkat Ranger costume.
Void Phantom - Obtained by purchasing the End Assassin costume.
Unlockable Hub Titles
The following hub titles can currently be unlocked:
The Booster - Obtained by Nitro Boosting our official Discord server. Click HERE to find out how to join.
Ribbit - Obtained by collecting the FREE Hip Hop costume from the Hive Store.
Dora the Explorer - It's a secret!
The Dedicated - Awarded for joining the server for 100 days in a row.
Buzztastic Creator - Obtained by having your artwork or video featured on The Buzz.
Translator - Awarded for contributing to the improvement of The Hive's translations.
The Grasshopper - Unlocked by completing one of the hub parkour courses.
Aerial Acrobat - Unlocked by completing one of the hub parkour courses.
Rooftop Runner - Unlocked by completing one of the hub parkour courses.
Clickety Clack - Awarded for riding the train in the hub for an hour.
x Day Login Streak (Stat Track) - Awarded for joining the server for 200 days in a row
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing BedWars:
Insomniac - Awarded for reaching level 5.
Zzzzzzzzz - Awarded for reaching level 10.
x Beds Destroyed (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 15.
x% Winrate (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 25.
Pillow Plunderer - Awarded for reaching level 28.
Sleepwalker - Awarded for reaching level 35.
Snooze You Lose - Awarded for reaching level 39.
Bed Bouncer - Awarded for reaching level 49.
x K/D Ratio (Stat Track) - Can be purchased from the Challenge Merchant.
Dreamcatcher - Awarded for reaching level 52.
Eat. Play. Sleep. - Awarded for reaching level 54.
Bedgician - Awarded for reaching level 60.
Pillowmancer - Awarded for reaching level 67.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Block Drop:
Just droppin' by - Awarded for reaching level 6.
Falling with style - Awarded for reaching level 11.
Drop it like it's hot! - Awarded for reaching level 16.
You fell off - Awarded for reaching level 20.
Stop, drop and roll! - Awarded for reaching level 22.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Block Party:
Freestyler - Awarded for reaching level 6.
Pump up the jam - Awarded for reaching level 11.
Dancing Queen - Awarded for reaching level 16.
CatJAM - Awarded for reaching level 23.
Lord of the Dance - Awarded for reaching level 25.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing The Bridge:
SCORE! - Awarded for reaching level 2.
Red vs Blue - Awarded for reaching level 8.
W - Awarded for reaching level 16.
Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. - Awarded for reaching level 20.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Capture the Flag:
Flag Defender - Awarded for reaching level 4.
Can't catch me! - Awarded for reaching level 9.
Unstoppable - Awarded for reaching level 15.
Flag Champion - Awarded for reaching level 20.
The Flagbearer - Awarded for reaching level 23.
Sea of Flags - Awarded for reaching level 30.
Flag Frenzy - Awarded for reaching level 37.
Banner of Glory - Awarded for reaching level 45.
The Champ is Here! - Awarded for reaching level 49.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Deathrun:
The Snail - Awarded for reaching level 3.
The Runner - Awarded for reaching level 11.
The Speediest - Awarded for reaching level 15.
The Cheetah - Awarded for reaching level 18.
The Falcon - Awarded for reaching level 23.
The Flash - Awarded for reaching level 27.
I am speed - Awarded for reaching level 31.
Gotta Go Fast! - Awarded for reaching level 35.
Speed of Light - Awarded for reaching level 39.
Turbo Charged - Awarded for reaching level 46.
Warp Speed - Awarded for reaching level 52.
Kachow - Awarded for reaching level 58.
Fast and Furious - Awarded for reaching level 64.
2fast4u - Awarded for reaching level 70.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Gravity:
The Freefaller - Awarded for reaching level 4.
Down to Earth - Awarded for reaching level 11.
Falling Star - Awarded for reaching level 15.
Gravity Guru - Awarded for reaching level 21.
Terminal Velocity - Awarded for reaching level 24.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Ground Wars:
I LOVE DIRT - Awarded for reaching level 3.
I have the high ground - Awarded for reaching level 6.
THROW ALL THE THINGS! - Awarded for reaching level 9.
Kinda sus... - Awarded for reaching level 11.
YEET! - Awarded for reaching level 14.
Ground breaking - Awarded for reaching level 18.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Hide and Seek:
The Short Sighted - Awarded for reaching level 3.
The Sneaky - Awarded for reaching level 8.
The Mysterious - Awarded for reaching level 12.
The Escapist - Awarded for reaching level 16.
Peekaboo! - Awarded for reaching level 24.
The Chase IS ON - Awarded for reaching level 29.
Waldo - Awarded for reaching level 35.
Leaf me alone. - Awarded for reaching level 41.
Sneaky Beaky - Awarded for reaching level 46.
The Camouflage - Awarded for reaching level 53.
Going Incognito - Awarded for reaching level 60.
Chameleon - Awarded for reaching level 64.
Sneak 100 - Awarded for reaching level 74.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Just Build:
The Builder - Awarded for reaching level 4.
The Block Placer - Awarded for reaching level 6.
The Creative - Awarded for reaching level 8.
The Architect - Awarded for reaching level 10.
Structural Engineer - Awarded for reaching level 12.
I build good - Awarded for reaching level 14.
Just Build lol - Awarded for reaching level 16.
Master Builder - Awarded for reaching level 18.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Murder Mystery:
The Good Citizen - Awarded for reaching level 8.
The Suspicious - Awarded for reaching level 20.
The Trustable - Awarded for reaching level 31.
The Spy - Awarded for reaching level 39.
The Murderer - Awarded for reaching level 60.
The Sheriff - Awarded for reaching level 65.
The Undercover Agent - Awarded for reaching level 74.
The Investigator - Awarded for reaching level 82.
The Assassinator - Awarded for reaching level 91.
The Mysterious Master - Awarded for reaching level 97.
Murder Mystery - Awarded for reaching Prestige I.
Murder Mystery - Awarded for reaching Prestige II.
Murder Mystery - Awarded for reaching Prestige III.
Murder Mystery - Awarded for reaching Prestige IV.
Murder Mystery - Awarded for reaching Prestige V.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing SkyWars:
The Sky Warrior - Awarded for reaching level 4.
Champion of the Sky - Awarded for reaching level 7.
Cloud Croissant - Awarded for reaching level 10.
Sky High - Awarded for reaching level 15.
Floaty Floaty - Awarded for reaching level 20.
Knockback Nemo - Awarded for reaching level 26.
The Epic Gamer - Awarded for reaching level 32.
SkyWars Master - Awarded for reaching level 39.
Zeus - Awarded for reaching level 45.
Skylord - Awarded for reaching level 52.
The sky's the limit! - Awarded for reaching level 59.
Void Avoider - Awarded for reaching level 63.
GG! - Awarded for reaching level 66.
nice. - Awarded for reaching level 69.
feelsbadman - Awarded for reaching level 73.
Sky x Kills (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 84.
Sky x Victories (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 96.
Hub titles that can be unlocked by playing Survival Games:
The Hungry - Awarded for reaching level 7.
The Hoarder - Awarded for reaching level 10.
The Survivalist - Awarded for reaching level 17.
The Slayer - Awarded for reaching level 23.
The Survival Master - Awarded for reaching level 29.
SG x Kills (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 35.
SG x Victories (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 40.
SG x K/D Ratio (Stat Track) - Awarded for reaching level 44.
Unobtainable Hub Titles
The following hub titles are not currently obtainable:
The Scary - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2018.
The Haunted - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2018.
The Nightmare - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2018.
Super Spoopster - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2018.
The Cat Napper - Obtained by purchasing the Black Friday 2018 bundle.
The Big Fish - Obtained by purchasing the Black Friday 2018 bundle.
The Good Dog - Obtained by purchasing the Black Friday 2018 bundle.
Turtley Awesome - Obtained by purchasing the Black Friday 2018 bundle.
The Wrapper - Obtained by purchasing the Special Delivery costume during Winter 2018.
The Snowflake - Obtained by purchasing the Snow Golem costume during Winter 2018.
The Gifted - Obtained by purchasing the Gift Wrapped costume during Winter 2018.
High in Calcium - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2019.
Pumpkin Spice Latte - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2019.
doot - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2019.
Spooperhero - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2019.
The Bargain Hunter - Obtained by purchasing the Black Friday 2019 bundle.
The Ice Breaker - Awarded for reaching level 2 in Snow Wars during Winter 2019.
The Sleigher - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Snow Wars during Winter 2019.
Elf on the Shelf - Awarded for reaching level 6 in Snow Wars during Winter 2019.
Un-brrr-lievable! - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Snow Wars during Winter 2019.
Grounded - Awarded for reaching level 2 in Ground Wars during Spring 2020.
Omelette Maker - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ground Wars during Spring 2020.
Egg to the face! - Awarded for reaching level 6 in Ground Wars during Spring 2020.
Egg - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ground Wars during Spring 2020.
Happy Beeday! - Could be obtained on The Hive's 2nd birthday (16th October 2020).
Trick-or-treater - Obtained by talking to Mailbot during Halloween 2020.
The Poltergeist - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2020.
Candy Corn - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2020.
Ghoul story bro. - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2020.
Supernatural - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2020.
The Alchemist - Awarded for completing the Halloween Potion Ingredient Hunt 2020.
POGGERS - Obtained by opening the 2nd daily gift during Winter 2020.
Bruh. - Obtained by opening the 8th daily gift during Winter 2020.
Santa's Little Helper - Awarded for completing Santa's hub quests during Winter 2020.
The Snowstorm - Awarded for reaching level 2 in Snow Wars during Winter 2020.
The Blizzard - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Snow Wars during Winter 2020.
Snow problem. - Awarded for reaching level 6 in Snow Wars during Winter 2020.
Stay frosty! - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Snow Wars during Winter 2020.
Snowmageddon - Awarded for reaching level 10 in Snow Wars during Winter 2020.
pain. - Obtained by purchasing the Baguette costume from the Quest Store (March 2021).
Butter Together - Obtained by purchasing the Flippy costume from the Quest Store (April 2021).
YA YEET! - Awarded for reaching level 6 in Block Drop during Spring 2021.
AHHH - Awarded for reaching level 11 in Block Drop during Spring 2021.
AHHHHHH - Awarded for reaching level 17 in Block Drop during Spring 2021.
AHHHHHHHHH - Awarded for reaching level 24 in Block Drop during Spring 2021.
The Ring Collector - Awarded for reaching level 2 in Sonic's Party Games during the Hive x Sonic event.
It's running time! - Awarded for reaching level 3 in Sonic's Party Games during the Hive x Sonic event.
HedgePOG - Awarded for reaching level 5 in Sonic's Party Games during the Hive x Sonic event.
CHAO! - Awarded for reaching level 7 in Sonic's Party Games during the Hive x Sonic event.
Happy beeday! - Could be obtained on The Hive's 3rd birthday (16th October 2021).
The Sorceror - Obtained by unlocking the Ancient Vault in the hub during Halloween 2021.
Phasmophobia - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2021.
That's the spirit! - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2021.
Ghostbuster - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2021.
Un-BOO-lievable! - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2021.
Award Winning Director - Awarded for participating in the Lights, Camera, ACTION! competition (October 2021).
The OG - Could be obtained by purchasing Hive+ before the 3rd of December 2021.
The VIBee - Could be obtained by purchasing Hive+ before the 3rd of December 2021.
The Supporter - Could be obtained by purchasing Hive+ before the 3rd of December 2021.
FeelsColdMan - Obtained by opening the 3rd daily gift during Winter 2021.
Winterfest 21 - Obtained by reaching the end of the Ice Cave during Winterfest 2021.
CHOO CHOO - Obtained by riding the train for one hour during Winterfest 2021.
The Baller - Awarded for reaching level 2 in Snow Wars during Winter 2021.
Snow Big Deal - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Snow Wars during Winter 2021.
FREEZE! - Awarded for reaching level 6 in Snow Wars during Winter 2021.
License To Chill - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Snow Wars during Winter 2021.
Cubeeeeee - Obtained by purchasing a limited edition Cubee plushie from Makeship.
Can You Not? - Obtained by purchasing the Soda Can costume from the Quest Store (January 2022).
Next Stop: Arcade - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the May 2022 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
You've got mail! - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the June 2022 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Shiver me timbers! - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the August 2022 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
The Shipwright - Awarded for participating in the Build Like a Pirate build competition (August 2022).
Legendary Shipwright - Awarded to winners of the Build Like a Pirate build competition (August 2022).
Spooktober '22 - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the October 2022 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Happy Beeday! - Could be obtained on The Hive's 4th birthday (16th October 2022).
< The Dark Arts > - Obtained by unlocking the Ancient Vault during Halloween 2022.
Doot doot - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2022.
Who you gonna call? - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2022.
#Squadghouls - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2022.
Spoopy Legend - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2022.
GOBBLE GOBBLE - Obtained by purchasing the Block Friday 2022 Bundle.
Sleigh what?! - included in the December 2022 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Winterfest 22 - Awarded for helping Santa during Winterfest 2022.
A* Student - Awarded for achieving 3 stars in all of the workshop minigames during Winterfest 2022.
Brrrilliant Artist - Awarded to winners of the Winterfest Art Contest (December 2022).
I was here! - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the February 2023 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Disco Dynamo - Awarded for participating in the Disco Fever competition (March 2023).
Dancefloor Hero - Awarded to winners of the Disco Fever competition (March 2023).
Blooming blossoms - Obtained by redeeming the code included in April 2023's issue of The Buzz newsletter.
S u n n y V i b e s - Obtained by redeeming the code included in June 2023's issue of The Buzz newsletter.
The Top Banana - Obtained by purchasing the Business Monkey costume from the Quest Store (June 2023).
Orbital Illustrator - Awarded to winners and runners up of the Gravity Poster Contest (July 2023).
Berry Good - Obtained by purchasing the Straw Barry costume from the Quest Store (July 2023).
The Frog - Unlocked by completing stage 1 of the hub parkour, before August 2023.
The Kangaroo - Unlocked by completing stage 2 of the hub parkour, before August 2023.
HARDCORE PARKOUR! - Obtained by completing a hub parkour course, before August 2023.
ALL ABOARD - Awarded for riding the Monorail in the Arcade hub for an hour.
Breaking news! - Obtained by redeeming the code included in August 2023's issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Wheely Good - Obtained by purchasing the Robo Hammy costume from the Quest Store (August 2023).
Lettuce taco 'bout it - Obtained by purchasing the Burrito Buddy costume from the Quest Store (September 2023).
Beeday Builder - Awarded for participating in the Beeday Build contest (October 2023).
Cake Connoisseur - Awarded to winners of the Beeday Build contest (October 2023).
Spooktober '23 - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the October 2023 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
You can't sea me! - Obtained by purchasing the Spectral Seafarer costume from the Quest Store (October 2023).
OH MY GOURD! - Awarded for finding and zapping all of the Headless Horseman's minions, during Halloween 2023.
The Phantom - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2023.
Hexcellent - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2023.
Haunted Hero - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2023.
Spooktacular - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2023.
Winterfest 23 - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the December 2023 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
SQUAAAAAWKKK - Obtained by purchasing the Rubber Chicken costume from the Quest Store (December 2023).
Snowflake Sculptor - Awarded for participating in the Snowman build competition (December 2023).
Snowman Maestro - Awarded to winners of the Snowman build competition (December 2023).
Blizzard Buddy - Obtained by completing the Snowman hub hunt.
Friendolotl - Obtained by purchasing a limited edition Endolotl plushie from Makeship.
The NPC - Obtained by purchasing the Red Bot costume from the Quest Store (January 2024).
Year of the Dragon - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the February 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Rock'n'Roll - Obtained by purchasing the Runic Golem costume from the Quest Store (February 2024).
The Defender - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Treasure Wars.
The Swashbuckler - Awarded for reaching level 9 in Treasure Wars.
The Buccaneer - Awarded for reaching level 14 in Treasure Wars.
The Champion - Awarded for reaching level 19 in Treasure Wars.
The Gold Hoarder - Awarded for reaching level 23 in Treasure Wars.
The Wealthy - Awarded for reaching level 29 in Treasure Wars.
The Voyager - Awarded for reaching level 35 in Treasure Wars.
The Worthy Opponent - Awarded for reaching level 49 in Treasure Wars.
The Landlubber - Awarded for reaching level 56 in Treasure Wars.
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh - Awarded for reaching level 62 in Treasure Wars.
I'm the captain! - Awarded for reaching level 67 in Treasure Wars.
Master of the Seas - Awarded for reaching level 74 in Treasure Wars.
Ahoy me hearties! - Awarded for reaching level 78 in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Trasher - Awarded for reaching level 84 in Treasure Wars.
Poseidon - Awarded for reaching level 92 in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars - Awarded for reaching Prestige I in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars - Awarded for reaching Prestige II in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars - Awarded for reaching Prestige III in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars - Awarded for reaching Prestige IV in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars - Awarded for reaching Prestige V in Treasure Wars.
Treasure Wars Lvl x - Awarded to Treasure Wars players (April 2024).
x Year TW Veteran - Awarded to players who played Treasure Wars for over a year (April 2024).
Movie Maverick - Awarded to winners of the BedWars Bonanza video contest (April 2024).
Petal Power - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the April 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Fun in the Sun - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the June 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Parkour Picasso - Awarded to winners of the Parkour Worlds poster contest (July 2024).
You've Been GNOMED! - Obtained by purchasing the Battle Gnome costume from the Quest Store (July 2024).
It's fall, y'all! - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the August 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Happy beeday! - Could be obtained on The Hive's 6th birthday (16th October 2024).
Spooktober '24 - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the October 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Nightmare Fuel - Awarded for reaching level 4 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2024.
Ghosted! - Awarded for reaching level 8 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2024.
2Ghoul4School - Awarded for reaching level 15 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2024.
Fangtastic - Awarded for reaching level 20 in Ghost Invasion during Halloween 2024.
Hextraordinary - Awarded for completing the potion ingredient hub hunt during Halloween 2024.
Spooky Storyteller - Awarded to the winners of the Hive-o-ween Campfire Tales Contest (October 2024).
It's Morphing Time - Awarded for reaching level 2 in MobGame during December 2024.
Who's That Mob? - Awarded for reaching level 6 during December 2024.
Winterfest '24 - Obtained by redeeming the code included in the December 2024 issue of The Buzz newsletter.
Members of the Hive Team (those with yellow usernames) may have hub titles that are not obtainable. Many of these will be obtainable, either for free or through the Marketplace, in the future.
A few of the hub titles in the list of obtainable costume packs may not currently appear on the marketplace. These can still be obtained by purchasing a costume gift and gifting the costume pack that contains the desired hub title to yourself.